G.M Khaja & Co

G M Khaja & Co

By Kashmir Search , Wednesday, December 14, 2011 12:00 AM

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The company has been established in the year 1960.We are the direct manufacturers, wholesalers and exporter of Kashmir handmade artistic Papier-mâché articles, handmade/hand knotted woolen and silken carpets and various shawls.

The founder of the company Mr. G.M Khaja is himself a master craftsman and has contributed a lot to the handicraft industry by way of creating new designs and style of products from time to time. Our wide range of selection for every mentioned craft have the world swooning, as our products are applauded and acclaimed in leading trade and gift shows taking place around the different corners of the world. we give utmost importance to quality. G.M Khaja & Co is committed to a life time partnership of trust, honesty and good faith with one and all.

Products & Services:
*Bed Covers *Carpets *Cashmere Shawls
*Chainstitch Rugs *Christmas Ornaments *Cushion Covers
*Decorative Boxes *Indian Handicrafts *Jewelary Boxes
*Kashmir Carpets *Kashmir Handicrafts *Ornaments
*Paper Machine *Pashmina
Scarves *Shawls *Silk Carpets
*Stoles *Wall Hangings

Contact Information:

G. M Khaja & Co
Kamangar Pora, Nalahmar Road,Srinagar-190002,
Kashmir (India)- Zip: 190002
Phone: +91 (194) 247 - 4614
Mobile: +91 (941) 900 - 2851
Fax: +91 (194) 247 - 4449

J-53 (Left Side)Lower Ground Floor
Lajpatnagar III
New Delhi - 110024, India
Phone: +91 (986) 816 - 4614

Phone: +1 (403) 568 - 2427

G.M Khaja & Co
Kamangar Pora Nallahmar Road
Jammu & Srinagar, Kashmir - 190002
Email : khaja121@rediffmail.com
Phone : 91-194-2474614;91-941-9002851
WebSite :  www.kashmirdowry.com
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Kamangar Pora Nallahmar Road Jammu & Srinagar, Kashmir - 190002


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